Prontidão para big data em organizações de médio e grande porte do setor público brasileiro: replicação do estudo holandês de Klievink et al. (2017)
Trustworthy information for decision-making is one of the biggest challenges for current management, and it is essential for the public sector, where managers establish actions that affect citizens in a long term. Accessing data and turning it into information demands specific skills, that are not limited to technology only. and when data start being produced in great amount, in different sources and formats, the opportunity for using big data arises, which should be used to provide information for analyses resources and support to decisions, in the creation of real value for organizations. (POWER, 2014). The use of big data allows the government to foster innovation in the provision of services already offered to citizens, in the elaboration of public policies, producing an increasing in services productivity and performance. Besides this, it allows the usage of new set of data to create and conduct brand new public services. (WORLD BANK GROUP, 2017). In this context, the present study has as central problem the following question: are Brazilian public organizations ready to use big data initiatives? This study is a replication of a research conducted by Klievink et al. (2017) and applied on the Dutch government, using as a base dimensions for IT alignment, capacities and organizational maturity. Through the use of a qualitative and quantitative method, exploratory and descriptive, an electronic questionnaire has been applied, where 101 Brazilian public organs respondents were obtained. The result shows that Brazilian public organs are not ready for the implementation of big data. Main final considerations point that it is necessary to foster activities to allow greater amount of collected data, mainly through the sharing of information with other organizations. Besides that, there should be a change in public managers’ thoughts regarding the importance of information for the making of decisions. High management support is fundamental for significant advances in the assessment of big data readiness in Brazilian public organs, allowing practical actions like the creation of a suitable environment, with an equipment and a team working in the field of data science, with access to partnerships and consultancies. It has also been observed that the type of organization focused on research and evaluation is better prepared for big data than type of organization focused on management and administration. There is a long way ahead, which runs through IT alignment, capacities and organizational maturity, and this study points to some practical actions to help public organizations with the evolution in readiness for big data.Nenhuma