Uma análise sobre a relação entre processos de socialização, identidade de gênero e consumo
Gender is a social construction that distinguishes and attributes meanings to the individual as male or female. Gender issues are defined by biological and social aspects. They are culturally set, in different ways and in different historical periods. Based on the premise that the social construction of gender is influenced not only by family education but also by school and media, on this study the reflexes of this socialization agents on consumption decisions, social reproduction field, known for setting social layers and produce the distinction between individuals and social groups are analyzed. It is in this complex and discussed environment during the recent years where this study was aimed at understanding how parents with children up to 12 years of age have been dealing with gender issues and the consequent reflexes in consumer practices. The method was based on qualitative nature, exploratory character and interpretative approach. The qualitative interview was performed through field collection. The results indicate that, despite of the speech on acceptance of diversity made by parents, the subject is still treated with much resistance by the families who tend to reproduce models of behavior within the heteronormative patterns as well as replicating them on consumption practices. It was also possible to evaluate that there is a great resistance against media contents which are only allowed once they are pre-approved. Regarding consumer practices, the study showed that children are not given the right of choice, and parents are responsible for determining which toys and clothing will be purchased.UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos