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dc.contributor.advisorAlves, Tiago Wickstrom
dc.contributor.authorBrinker, Irineu
dc.description.abstractMain objective of this research was to analyze the evolution of the distribution of resources of the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Farming (PRONAF), of the National Program of Support to the Medium Rural Producer (PRONAMP), in the investment modality, in the Brazilian municipalities in the period 2013 – 2018. The database used was the rural credit database of the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) and socioeconomic database of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Using Geoda software, the Moran index was measured for the correlation between the number of operations and contracted values of rural operations, and socioeconomic indices such as illiteracy rate, Gini index, municipal human development index, agricultural GDP, participation of agricultural GDP in municipal and per capita income. The results revealed that in PRONAF, unlike PRONAMP and other rural credit lines, the number of contracts had a positive correlation with the illiteracy rate, Gini index, with the ratio between the average per capita income of the richest 10% and the per capita income of the poorest 40%. Negative correlation between the number of contracts and the rate of employees aged 18 and over with a formal contact, IDHN, agricultural GDP, participation of agricultural GDP in municipal GPD and municipal per capita income. PRONAMP, due to the lower number of operations and the lower volume of contracted resources, presented very weak correlations. The other rural credit lines showed higher correlations in the agricultural PIB variable and agricultural PIB participation in the municipal PIB. The richest and most productive farming regions, such as the South, Southeast and Midwest, have received the largest amounts of resources. In contrast, the poorest and least developed regions have received the largest number of operations, of lower average value and focused on subsistence agriculture.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectCrédito ruralpt_BR
dc.subjectRural crediten
dc.titleO crédito na agricultura brasileira no período 2013-2018: Um estudo do PRONAF, PRONAMP e demais linhas de crédito rural, com ênfase no investimentopt_BR

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