‘Meus seguidores, minhas regras’: a construção do ethos nos discursos de jornalistas políticos no Twitter
The ostensible use of digital social networks by journalists has reshaped their way of working, allowing the elaboration of discourses strategically anchored in formats that were not previously accepted in traditional media. One of the effects of this change is the modalization, whereby the professional creates an image of himself in the information transmitted to the public. Com vistas à compreensão das estratégias utilizadas para a construção desse ethos, o presente trabalho busca apurar como são construídos os discursos informativos de jornalistas políticos na divulgação do fato através da rede social Twitter. Aiming at understanding the strategies used to construct this ethos, this dissertation seeks to determine how the informative discourses of political journalists are built in the publication of facts on the Twitter social network. For this, two professionals from the so-called traditional media and two from the alternative media were selected at different moments in Brazilian politics: when President Dilma Rousseff was dismissed in May 2016, and the filing of allegations of corruption against President Michel Temer, in August 2017. The professionals were selected from a study by the company Medialogue in 2017. The research is based on the Semiolinguistic Discourse Analysis (CHARAUDEAU, 2016), particularly in its Enunciative Organization Modes, and analyzes the forms of referencing (MONDADA & DUBOIS, 2003) and ethos construction (AMOSSY, 2005). The analyzes reveal a diversified use of the modalization categories and even the strong exploration of characteristic elements of technogenres, highlighting striking traces of each journalist's ethos in the exercise of his or her role.Nenhuma