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dc.contributor.advisorFritsch, Rosangela
dc.contributor.authorGomes, Cristiana Maria de Araújo Soares
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation analyzes the trajectories and experiences of nurse teachers from the State University of Tocantins - UNITINS. The purpose of this study was to build an understanding of how teaching nurses, who compose the teaching staff of the referred course of this institution, have become teachers. It also seeks to understand: how and why they have continued to work as teachers; how nurse teachers of this institution have been building their trajectories; and how their professional insertion occurred. The research identifies learning processes in their trajectories, and policies regarding initial and continuing training, as well as teaching contributions and gaps. In addition, the study contextualizes the institution and the subjects of the research. It presents concepts about teacher education, professional identity, nursing education policies, trajectories and teaching experiences. The most referred authors are: Pimenta, (2000), Dubar, (2005), Tardif, (2012), Masetto, (2012), Pinhel and Kurcgant, (2007), Rodrigues and Mendes Sobrinho (2006), Cunha, (2010), Soares and Cunha (2010), and Veiga (2002). The research was characterized as qualitative and descriptive. As a data-producing technique, semi-structured interviews were used, supported by a script of open questions and a questionnaire. These data were submitted to content analysis. It can be seen from the results that most respondents are women, who graduated less than 10 years ago. Moreover, the master's degree prevails as their highest education level, and their lives were marked by many moments of challenge. Academic experiences motivated them to enter stricto and lato sensu graduate programs. In this context, they all understand in a similar way the need for qualification for a good educational practice; they receive continuous didactic-pedagogical training; they report that the beginning of their teaching career was not easy; and they describe their different apprenticeships from teaching practices, especially emphasizing the process of learning to "be a teacher". In general, the present research specifies that teacher qualifications are pervaded by scientific, technical, and social knowledge.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEnfermeiros docentespt_BR
dc.subjectNurse teachersen
dc.titleTrajetórias de enfermeiros e experiências docentes na Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS, polo de Augustinópolispt_BR

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