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dc.contributor.advisorCabral, Patrícia Martins Fagundes
dc.contributor.authorVieira, Ana Lúcia de Oliveira
dc.description.abstractThe development of this dissertation had the objective of analyzing the role of educational leaders as Ignatian leaders at Santo Inácio School (Colégio Santo Inácio), in Rio de Janeiro. The considered area of interest arose from the fact that the researcher works in the management of the Santo Inácio School, which then became the field of research. Aiming at the research objective, the following materials were considered: semi-structured interviews with employees of the institution who hold management positions, direct observation and documentary analysis. For the analysis of the role of the leader within an institution, the theoretical framework used was Charan (2008), Charan and Conaty (2011) and Boyatzis and Mckee (2002, apud CABRAL et al. 2007). It was verified the importance of deepening the role of the leader as disseminator of the organizational culture, having as theoretical framework Schein (2009). In order to analyze the characteristics of the Ignatian leadership, the theoretical framework used was Metts (1997), Nicolàs (2017), Companhia de Jesus (1989) and Jesuit Education Network (2016). During the development of this work, certain characteristics that distinguish the way of exercising leadership in the school were verified from the chosen dataset. Among them, Respect, Care, and the Magis stand out. The Magis carries one of the main aspects disseminated and experienced by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, an incessant search for being more and better, so that this contributes to the construction of the entire educational community. Therefore, it has become perceptible how indispensable and present within the Santo Inácio School are the teachings left by the founder of the Society of Jesus, Ignatius of Loyola, which, still today, are denominated as the way of proceeding of the Jesuit Educational Communities. These teachings characterize the organizational culture of the School, with Ignatian leaders being responsible for disseminating it on their work routine. One of the most important aspects highlighted by these leaders is the professional training they receive from the Institution, where they learn the ways to become Ignatian leaders. As Ignatian leaders, in the incessant search for the Magis, they identify that it is necessary to create more continuous means for the professional formation and for the evaluation process of these professionals.en
dc.description.sponsorshipColégio Santo Ináciopt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleLiderança inaciana: o papel dos líderes educacionais em um colégio da rede jesuíta da educaçãopt_BR

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