Modelo de avaliação de práticas de inovação verde e sua influência na competitividade no setor moveleiro
Several events related to sustainability have aroused interest in organizations regarding environmental issues related to innovation in supply chain management. The relationship between Green Supply Chain Management and competitiveness has been widely debated and explored in the literature. The general objective of this study is to propose a model to evaluate the influence of the green innovation practices used in supply chain management in the competitiveness in the furniture sector of Rio Grande do Sul. From a systematic review of the literature the practices of green innovation used in supply chain management, such as ecodesign, product, process, marketing, market and technology. Therefore, six hypotheses were proposed to test the relationship of green innovation practices in competitiveness, of which three presented a significant and positive relation to competitiveness and the other three were not significant for the sample surveyed. The study was carried out by means of a survey (survey) with 98 companies belonging to the furniture industry of RS. With the support of structural equation modeling using Smart PLS software, a measurement and conceptual model was developed to be validated and applied in this thesis. After all model adjustments and quality verification, the results indicate that the validated proposed measurement model has three constructs for GSCM's green innovation practices. Thus, it can be said that the practices of green innovation that positively influence the competitiveness of companies in the furniture sector of RS are the practice of ecodesign, process and technology. The thesis contributes to the proposal of a model that allows to evaluate the innovation practices that can be used in the management of the supply chain related to the furniture sector, as it verifies the relation of the practices of green innovation in the competitiveness. In conclusion, the theoretical and practical implications of the results are presented, as well as suggestions for future research.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior