Cultura digital na formação de alunos em cursos técnicos subsequentes de áreas distintas da informática
The thematic presented in this thesis is related to the contribution of the digital culture in the technical formation of curses that don’t belong to the Information of Technology area. The participants are the professors as well as the students of those curses from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technologie of Rio Grande do Sul (“IFRS”), of Porto Alegre’s campus, with whom it was tried to answer what the meanings of the digital culture in its technical formation. The general objective was to understand the intentions and contributions of digital culture in an emancipatory formation, in the contradictory context of the world of work, in the technical courses not directly related to the area of Information Technology, in the IFRS / POA.The research with qualitative character utilizes as methodology the action research critical described by Fals Borda, Paulo Freire, Carlos R. Brandão and Maria A. Franco. The study includes, in the theoretical reference, central categories such as technology, digital culture and cyberculture, from the studies of Vieira Pinto, Lévy and Lemos, respectively; digital emancipation with Schwartz's vision; and professional training, with looks from Saviani, Frigotto and Pacheco. Regarding the methodology of the analyses and data interpretation, was opted the Content Analysis according to Bardin and Gill. As a result, it has been verified that digital culture or cyberculture is generally treated as synonymous with technological devices that play the leading role at the expense of human action. In this context, digital emancipation is understood as the domain of digital devices, in the understanding that in the contemporary technological scene, social dynamics, in addition to the world of work itself, are constantly changing. Concerning the professional formation, the students and professor treated them as a utilitarist bias in the sense of employability and less as a unitary, integral and citizen formation.Nenhuma