dc.description.abstract | The act of Reading it has still seen like a Strong social value, like something good and something that has some importance in people’s lives and in school life too. However, it is understood that there is no reading “in general”. So, with this research, the aim is to describe the practicing of reading, mainly in the final years of education, besides it is also to exam and describe the reading practicing that has been operated in public schools of Imperatriz. Especially in two of them, and last, to identify the kinds of texts used by teachers and their relation with the ways of production of subjectivities mode. The main concepts used to build this research were: subjectivation practices fend for oneself, from some foucaultdians theories: the definition of text in Foucault and Barthes and the definition of readingin Foucault, Barthes, López, Larrosa within others authors. The research operated with genealogical foucauldian inspiration, acting with some analytics tools from two investigation movements, these were the exam of the two schools’ teachers planning; also, a focus group was created in each school. From now on, it has been produced three analysis dimensions, which talk about the ways of Reading on those schools and the implication of the subjective modes: the act of reading as a decodification: focus on communication and representation; Reading and the costumer-student: the party of joy and utility; Reading in strength struggle between competence and formation. Some recoverable gaps have been noticed but they also are reading practices. | en |