Ecossistemas criativos e inovação sociocultural : uma cartografia dos processos de difusão da cultura da sustentabilidade na moda
This research approaches the mapping of sustainability culture diffusion processes in fashion that occurs in the Ecossistema da Moda Sustentável do RS. The ecosystem in question is a movement activated by design specialists who operate according to the strategic design, developing strategies that seek to promote socio-cultural innovation in fashion. In this research, the sustainability culture diffusion is understood as a promoter of connections and social relations, capable of extending the innovations reach. The processes mapping was done through a cartographic work that involved an intervention research. The intervention research had, as a resource, the co-creation of artifacts projected through the design activism in order to generating engagement and social participation. Activations and interventions took place in three main territories: Virada Sustentável 2018, Semana Fashion Revolution 2018 and hashtag #modamudamundo on Instagram. From these activations and also from the projected artifacts propagation, the connections flux was observed. Based on the fluxes observed in the field, procedural plots were drawn. Through these plots, the concepts of design activism, design coalition and collaboration are discussed, as well as a map of the processes of the sustainability culture diffusion in fashion is suggested based on these concepts. Our results point the diffusion process runs through the recombination of existing resources, which can be operated by design skills. The resources recombination consider the use of digital communication tools, such as the internet social networks, which, because of their distributed network characteristics, offer the possibility that different levels of social ties occur and generate emerging themes in relation to sustainable fashion, contributing for the expansion of social network nodes and also for the culture diffusion.Nenhuma