A percepção dos estudantes concluintes do ensino médio sobre o modo jesuíta de gestão em organizações escolares
Research with the regad to the Jesuit Way of School Organization Managing, according to the perceptive of Senior Year Students, from three headquarters of the Brazillian Jesuit Education Web, onsetting on the study of Literature and interpretation of the data acquired on a Field Research. The starting point is the discussion with authors regarding the concepts of managment, organization and school arrengment. Followed by the articulation of what is officially declared by the Society of Jesus of compose the pillars and caracteristics of the Apostolic Education Field managing. Posteriorly juxtaposed with the students peception with regard to that marks that build that specific kind of managment. Finished with the proposition of ways to possible evaluation, route correction, improvement and institutional prospecting, that consider the student’s feedback as an important strategy to improving and evolving the student and the company, when receiving a sistematic and organic treatment; organizational development and permanent repositioning of the units regarding the service to the Jesuit Educational Mission in their contexts and their demands. The study detailed here demonstrates the existence of a Jesuit school management mode and identifies the relevance of the critical and propositional potential of the students in the process of completing their basic schooling in the schools that are part of the Society of Jesus.RJE - Rede Jesuíta de Educação