Formação continuada de professores: gamificação em espaços de convivência e aprendizagem híbridos e multimodais
This thesis has the problem of investigating how the configuration of Hybrid and Multimodal Learning Spaces can contribute to the continuous formation of teachers, bringing together universities and schools, aiming at the promotion of new teacher knowledge and pedagogical pedagogical practices. The aim of this study was to understand how the configuration of hybrid and multimodal learning and coexistence spaces can contribute to the continuing teachers’ formation in order to constitute new teachers’ knowledge to foment pedagogic practices based on gamified learning projects. With a qualitative approach, exploratory and descriptive, the research is characterized by developing a continuing formation process in the perspective of configurating hybrid and multimodal learning and coexistence spaces, of which participated 81 teachers from public school of three cities of RS during 20 months and summing around 166h of formation. The methodology was inspired in cartographic method of investigation-intervention, investigated in Brazil by Kastrup and Escóssia (2009) and Passos, Kastrup and Tedesco (2014). To cultivate data were used records from the presential physical meetings, registers from teachers’ interaction at digital spaces of formation, reports and registers of pedagogic practices developed at schools in which they work. Data analysis was supported by the attention movements proposed by cartographic method (track, touch, land and attentive recognition) that occurred during all the process. In this way, besides subsidize this text elaboration, data analysis, made during all the research gave hints to the constant reconfiguration of continuing formation process, once it is an investigation-intervention. Theoretical discussions, which abound data analysis were based on authors who investigate contemporary, education, teaching and teachers’ formation, games and gamification in education. Results indicate that teachers’ formation in the perspective of configuration of hybrid and multimodal learning and coexistence spaces must be understood from the continuing formative processes in which the participants legitimate themselves as co-former and co-learner. The hybridism and multimodality, which comprehend the engenderment that are stablished among technologies, spaces, methodologies, formality and non-formality and the diferent educational modalities made possible to amplify formative spaces and the approach of different actors in promoting knowledges about teaching and contributing to unleash changes in pedagogic practices developed at schools.Nenhuma