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dc.contributor.advisorMélo, José Luiz Bica de
dc.contributor.authorGrando, Juliana Bedin
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to study the theme of elderly people and its binding to public policies. For such, it is outlined, initially, the social scenario and its transformations over the years. The world population has undergone perceptible changes in the last decades and, in Brazil, this fact can also be glimpsed. The new world scenario formed after the end of World War II, reaches a more urban and industrialized society. The medical conquest also advances in this period, providing opportunities to new medicines and greater survival to people. At this point, the world population begins to have a longer life expectancy. That is what happens in Brazil where, from the 1940s onwards, starts to have an evolutionary picture of the number of elderly people present in the Brazilian population. Currently, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Brazilians have an estimated life expectancy above seventy years old and, will have increasingly expectancy, reaching in 2030, an important population picture. Whereas, this thesis starts by questioning what are the public policies destined towards elderly people already performed in Brazil, analysing, essentially, who were the political actors that made the arena of content for approval. Therefore, it was analyzed the whole course of the Policy denominated Statute of the Elderly (Law n. 10.741/03), since its proposition, in 1997, until its promulgation, in 2003. With a view to addressing the issue, a historicdocumental methodology was used, with analysis of documents from the National Congress, categorizing and analysing them under the perspective of what were the coalitions and disputes in the political arena for the policy to be approved. In addition, it was conducted a bibliographic study of the texts produced about the subject and linking it to the historic analysis made. As conclusion of this thesis, it was perceived that there is not a clear advance of the Lula government in relation to the FHC government towards proposition and debate of the political actors that participate in the arena of elderly policy disputes, but, on the contrary, a movement following the democratic stabilization and the insertion of new players in the arena. It is noticed, here, a progression, as many of the political actors have become part of the institutional board, and, thus, represented a new configuration in the disputes arena. Lastly, it is understood that there is a transformation in the dispute arena for elderly public policy approval, however, the theme still remains torequire new debates and new research.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectPolíticas públicaspt_BR
dc.subjectPublic policiesen
dc.titleAs disputas na formulação do estatuto do idoso nos Governos Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvapt_BR

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