This article aims to deepen the study on the development of socialemotional skills as a way to collaborate with integral learning, contributing to the (re)construction of school spaces and learning itself. The analysis is based on the reflections concerning child development, affectivity, socialization and socialemotional learning. The main authors for the reflection of these themes are Vygotsky, Wallon and Goleman. In addition, we will try to understand the importance of the family and the school in the process of social-emotional development of the
individual. Assuming that learning involves not only cognitive but also emotional and social aspects, the purpose of the experiment is to analyze how students deal with their emotions. The study seeks to understand the interrelations between the development of social-emotional skills and the teaching and learning process. A bibliographic review was chosen to carry out on the proposed theme. Thus, after a theoretical reflection on the themes, an interdisciplinary activity was planned and executed using tools of Music and Physical Education lessons, in which rhythm and movement were worked. It was observed that any action that promotes the relations between the children and that gives them the opportunity to share their feelings is favorable to their emotional development.