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dc.contributor.advisorRomanini, Rosane
dc.contributor.authorPazutti, Leandra Rebello Montemuro
dc.description.abstractTo paraphrase Andrize R. Costa, to understand the meanings and meanings of playing in childhood as a right in the life of children is to understand it as a moving human. The objective of this work is to make closer and detailed understanding on the free play time in the First Years School, where the children explains their desires and their needs through playing. My field research focused at the symbolic games played by the children during the free play time of an integrated class in a private school in Porto Alegre (RS), with twenty-two students, between four and six years old. My problem was to investigate how symbolic games arise, how children create a plot, how they deal with their inventions, what they use to put on their imaginative ideas, how they socialize through these plays, and what is the teacher's understanding about that moment. Just as I entered the infantile world through the symbolic jokes of this group of children, I sought theorists who could support a greater understanding of the importance of free play in the Children's School. Rethinking the times and spaces of free play in school becomes crucial in periods where children are taken up by a significant portion of electronic games, tablets, cell phones, too much television, and too little free time and restricted partners to play and interact. This work gave me significant moments where I was able to dialogue with authors who strengthened concepts about symbolic play and child development, and through a sensitive listening, I was able to experience the children's games with great joy and surprises. Like the very lively trips we had, the theaters with audience of dolls and children, the store of very expensive materials, the rocket that gave fear etc. I also write about a teacher with a child's soul and who sees in this play many learning in the child's cognitive development. The School of Early Childhood Education can foster free play without fear, as I witnessed the development of children's language, socialization, dialogue with the world and symbolic phases.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleO livre brincar das crianças na escola: uma escuta sensível para o faz de contapt_BR

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