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dc.contributor.advisorTutikian, Bernardo Fonseca
dc.contributor.authorGil, Augusto Masiero
dc.description.abstractSelf-consolidating concrete (SCC) is known for its high fluidity and rheological stability in the fresh state, while fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is known for its high energy absorption capacity, avoiding fragile rupture. In the last decade, the synergy of these technologies has been researched with self-consolidating fiber-reinforced concrete (FR-SCC), which allows better dispersion of the fibers, in addition to the advanced mechanical properties. However, the incorporation of fibers tends to cause the mixture’s loss of workability due to its interlocking with the aggregates and the increase of dry materials’ surface area in the mixture. This study aimed to contribute to the development of a mix design method for FR-SCC, relating properties in the fresh and hardened states. Thus, the mixture composition is modified to include fibers maintaining the same mortar thickness over aggregates and fibers as in the original SCC mixture, considering the surface area of its components and the volumetric composition. Mixtures with three types of steel fibers, of different geometric characteristics, incorporated in three contents each in order to compose the proposed mix design nomogram. The results of the tests performed in the fresh state showed small changes in their properties, with the increase of the slump-flow, but attending the same classes of the reference mixture. It was verified, however, that mixtures with higher fiber content, longer and with higher aspect ratio, showed greater loss of stability and fiber dispersion, evidencing the occurrence of fiber segregation due to excess mixture fluidity. From the tests in the hardened state it was possible to verify that the incorporation of fibers by the proposed method contributed to the improvement of mechanical properties, with the exception of the modulus of elasticity. Compressive strength values were verified in the order of 84.5 MPa, with significant influence of the fiber type, according to the analysis of variance performed. Although the instability of some blends in the fresh state affected the distribution of fibers in the cracked section, the toughness factor increased with the incorporation content, main parameter adopted in the dosage diagram.en
dc.description.sponsorshipitt Performance - Instituto Tecnológico em Desempenho da Construção Civilpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectConcreto autoadensávelpt_BR
dc.subjectSelf-consolidating concreteen
dc.titleContribuição ao estudo de dosagem de concretos autoadensáveis reforçados com fibras metálicaspt_BR

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