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dc.contributor.advisorVenzke, Cláudio Senna
dc.contributor.authorBraga, Guilherme Pritsch
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze the impact of inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD) on work teams. In Brazil there is a law that requires companies with 100 employees or more to include PwD in their workforce. Through the research it was possible to understand the influence of the legislation in this process and the impact that this generates on work teams. Were brought theories that supported the theme and indicators that could be used for this purpose. The theme of team diversity and outcomes is widely discussed in academic and business, but does not address people with disabilities in their analysis. This literature was used to base the construction of a survey that was applied in 8 work teams of 5 different companies from Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo. The research was quantitative, of an exploratory nature and with a longitudinal temporality. Nine sets of indicators were defined to evaluate the results of the work teams. A collect was performed before the entry of one person with a disability and another 3 months after the inclusion of this new employee. This way, it was possible to measure the impact on the results of work teams before and after the inclusion of a PwD. By grouping the team responses and comparing results between collection 1 and collection 2, no significant difference was found in the comparison of the chosen sets of indicators. It was emphasized the relevance of this result considering the barriers that exist for including a PwD in the labor market. Not having a significant difference between the results, before and after the inclusion of people with disabilities, contributes to demystify misperceptions of companies that have resistance in inclusion. It was also proposed an instrument for measuring the results of the work teams, considering the inclusion of a person with disability as a variable. This instrument was developed based on all references of literature, practical knowledge acquired with the research and analysis of the results. Thus, leaving an instrument that can be applied to academic studies and for business.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectPessoa(s) com deficiênciapt_BR
dc.subjectPerson (s) with disabilityen
dc.titleO impacto da inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho: uma análise da relação entre a inclusão e os resultados de trabalho em equipept_BR

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