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dc.contributor.advisorHarres, Marluza Marque
dc.contributor.authorNunes, Elke Daniela Rocha
dc.description.abstractThe present work deals with the first, largest and most enduring productive enterprise in the history of Amapá. That is, the manganese mining of Serra do Navio, operated by Indústria e Comércio de Minérios S / A (ICOMI). The objective of the research was to analyze how ICOMI soon formed a model of worker, how he created and applied a set of norms that imposed the ideal model of behavior and how this model collaborated for the social representation of this worker who permeated and still permeates the memory of those involved in the ICOMI project. In order to do so, it was necessary to contextualize the process of mineral production in the Amazon in order to understand how representations of an ideal worker were created through the company's media. The linkages between the organization of social life through the villages and their social complex and the forms of disciplinary power in the course of manganese exploitation in Amapá were also analyzed to understand how all these mechanisms exceeded the limits of the world of work by extrapolating to besides the conducts and individual memories and forming social representations that began to integrate and constitute the memory not only of former employees and family but of the amapaense people. The spatial cut is the radius of action of this mining company within Amapá, more emphatically the Estrada de Ferro, the Port of Santana, which served as a logistical basis for the disposal of the ore, and the roads that gave access to the mines, as well as the Vila Operária of ICOMI, Vila Serra do Navio and Vila Amazonas. The year 1960 is chosen as a chronological cut for the beginning of the research, since it is in that year that the working-class villages are completed, consequently the year in which the workers begin to lodge in the houses, and the villages become, thus, more an apparatus in the practical life of each individual, as well as in that year that practically all the infrastructure of the mining company has been completed. The research will continue until 1973 because it is the year of greatest index for the elaboration of the Rules of Procedure. To do so, a brief analysis of Michel Foucault's theory of disciplinary power was necessary.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectProdução mineralpt_BR
dc.subjectMineral productionen
dc.titleMineração de manganês no Amapá : controle de trabalho e memória de trabalhadores na ICOMI, de 1960 a 1973pt_BR

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