Estudo da coqueima de carvão mineral brasileiro e biomassa utilizando leito fluidizado borbulhante em escala de bancada
Based on bubbling fluidized bed technology, a bench scale combustor was used to conduct research works in co-firing of coal and biomass (wood shavings) blends. South Brazilian subbituminous coal, beneficiated to achieve typical thermal power plant requirements located in south Brazil. Still have about 40% of ash content and a substantial amount of sulfur (around 2%). Related to some processes including an environmentally friendly concept of combustion, but not giving up the reliability of coal in terms of supply and storage, a co-firing of coal together with biomass agrees with these interests. Biomass wood shavings in the south of Brazil are cheap, easy to find and an obviously renewable source of energetic fuel. Nevertheless, this kind of biomass is rich in moisture. The moisture is a usual component of biomasses, which may hinders the combustion of biomass alone requiring operational adjustments. Furthermore, the percentage of moisture normally suggests lower heating values when compared to coal. Characteristics of these fuels indicate that cofiring can minimize problems associated with the single burning of these fuels. The purpose of this work was to determine the best blend proportion of operation for co-firing, mixing coal and wood shavings in a bubbling fluidized bed bench scale combustor. Experimental results suggest that fuel blends containing up to 10% biomass provide better results in terms of emissions and temperature control. It was also intended to evaluate the impact on flue gas emissions when compared with just coal burning in a bubbling fluidized bed. The study presented good combustion efficiency for the considered cases, including low emissions of CO and tars. SO2 emissions were not affected by the presence of biomass. In addition, the fluidization regime of 6 umf and the excess air of 70% were estimated as more assertive for the operation based on the performance and temperature of the exhaust gases.Nenhuma