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dc.contributor.advisorChishman, Rove Luiza de Oliveira
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Bruna da
dc.description.abstractThis study that is inserted in the interface between Frame Semantics (FILLMORE, 1982, 1985) and Electronic Lexicography aims at investigating the contribution of the notion of frame to the development of online digital dictionaries, based on (i) a metalexicographic analysis of the Dicionário Olímpico (CHISHMAN, 2016) and a set of conventional online digital dictionaries and (ii) a comparative analysis between the Dicionário Olímpico and all other dictionaries, based on the theoretical framework of Electronic Lexicography, traditional Lexicography and Cognitive Semantics. Therefore, we return our attention to the bibliography of Frames Semantics, in order to highlight, in a first moment, the precepts underlying the notion of frame and the theoretical potential of this concept for the description of the lexical meaning and, in a second moment, the applied theory bias in relation to Lexicography (FILLMORE, 2003; FILLMORE and ATKINS, 1992). However, we propose an extension of the original interface proposal, as we turn to the literature of Electronic Lexicography. In this sense, we offer a panorama related to the area that is dedicated to the development of digital dictionaries, in order to deal with the challenges, expectations and demands that are outlined from the historical trajectory of the field and its current configuration. The methodology can be divided into four parts that correspond to: (i) the selection of the set of conventional online digital dictionaries to be analyzed; (ii) the developments related to the metalexicographic analysis, which pointed out the need to reflect on a proposal of Digital Metalexicography that systematized the specific metalexicographic criteria of the Electronic Lexicography; (iii) the elaboration of metalexicographic analysis forms, concerning the composition and nature of online dictionaries and the research on the history of Electronic Lexicography; and (iv) the description of the analysis strategies, including the procedures for completing the forms, the preparation of observation sheets and the assembly of dictionary rankings. The analysis and discussion of the data was based on the information obtained through the analysis materials and was intended to serve the discussion about the way in which the dictionaries show the online digital identity and about the role of the notion of frame in the construction of the online digital identity from Dicionário Olímpico. The outcomes showed that: the lack of clarity about ways to assume the online digital identity efficiently is the main obstacle to the development of online digital dictionaries; the digital identity presents itself at different levels in the tools analyzed and is related to the fact that the dictionaries have or do not have a printed counterpart; and the notion of frame played the role of providing the guidelines for an efficient presentation of the digital elements in the Dicionário Olímpico. Lastly, we find that the notion of frame contributes to the development of online digital dictionaries insofar as the notions of “encyclopedic knowledge”, “empiricism” and “continuities between language and experience”, which underlie the notion of frame, are responsible for the fact that, in a dictionary based on frames, the digital elements take on more central functions in the construction of meaning.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectSemântica de Framespt_BR
dc.subjectFrame semanticsen
dc.titleLexicografia eletrônica e semântica de frames: o potencial da noção de frame para o desenvolvimento de dicionários digitais onlinept_BR

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