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dc.contributor.advisorRedin, Marita Martins
dc.contributor.authorFagundes, Cledis Meincke
dc.description.abstractWe know that early childhood education is the first step in a child's life, aiming integral development in the physical, psychological, intellectual and social, complementing the action of the family. Not forgetting that the institution and the teachers should be concerned with the interests and demonstrations by students and work the issue of boundaries parallel with the development of autonomy, cooperation, respect, morality and citizenship of the child with affection so that can live in society and so active participant. There are expectations that in education, in all its forms, can materialize the ideals of justice, peace, solidarity, freedom. But in this time and space you can work the construction of rules and values as cooperation, solidarity? As the play can integrate this goal and make children more independent and happy? It is from the routine of a classroom of kindergarten, often by playing activity that can create ways to develop values such as respect for self and for others, aspects that are linked to cultural issues, political and social. Child Education Institutions must offer children opportunities for choice and self-government and games, toys and proposed activities may be such opportunities. The teacher needs to value the child independently value the child who takes initiatives and coordinating its action with the other. The toy and the fun factor can appear as elements of cultural assimilation, and cause profound changes in our culture and the culture of children, therefore we must take it seriously and be aware of games and toys, as they are in constant innovations.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEducação infantilpt_BR
dc.subjectEarly childhood educationen
dc.titleO brincar de crianças de 0 - 3 anos na escola de educação infantilpt_BR

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