Bicha, a senhora é performática mesmo: Sentidos queer nas redes digitais do jornalismo pop
The research search understands, through the senses triggered by Papel Pop, as relations between journalism, pop culture and queer studies. I seek in the transformations and historical developments of journalism the way in which the logics of pop have been implied in him. I propose, therefore, a specific journalistic perspective to understand these dynamics, pop journalism: aimed at the coverage of pop culture, setting forth events engendered by an intensely mediatic and commercial logic, but that does not end there. I note that there are, in a systemic crisis context established by the digital culture that runs through the journalistic logic, seven categories to think the pop coverage in the country - and often interpenatre through various production strategies: media coverage around products that are deployed from pop music, celebrities, geek/nerd/otaku culture, audiovisual productions like movies and series, novels and humor and the general. There are, in these possibilities, the production links that are permeated by the practices of the fans - they can be institutionalized in the sense of becoming (micro) companies or not - and the politicians, who involve a critical look through markers like sex / gender, race and sexuality for pop culture productions. The Papel Pop, as far as news coverage is concerned, moves through all these focuses, being allotted in what I understood as a macrotegory: the coverage of pop culture in a broader and more general way. However, there is a predominance of female pop music in stories and news, just as the editorial body also refers to dissident markers of heterosexual masculinity cis. Aiming to unfold the senses triggered by the pop journalism in question, I turn to the methodology of the Analysis of Sense Construction in Digital Networks, which has as a presupposition the movements of mapping of semiotic processes in the network, the elaboration of sense constellations and the development of inferences about they. Through the perspectives of the Queer studies, I thus noticed the emergence of seven constellations of meanings: Valley Languages, Transviadices, Feminisms, Heteronormativities, Racisms / Multiculturalisms, Representations and Political Confrontations. They signal the way Papel Pop’s pop journalism configures itself as a singular semiotic territoriality in the coverage of pop culture, which breaks with the assumptions of the masculine that crosses hegemonic journalism and goes beyond the femininity that can be associated with cultural journalism, being, therefore, queer.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior