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dc.contributor.advisorBragato, Fernanda Frizzo
dc.contributor.authorAdamatti, Bianka
dc.description.abstractThe imposed regime by National Socialism from 1933 to 1945 has some similarities to the colonial dominations deployed during modernity due to the individuals infeiorization discourse and techniques similar to the colonizing methods employed by Western Europe. Therefore the purpose of this dissertation is to verify whether there are indicators of colonial discourse in the Law for the Protection of German Blood and the German Honor and in the First Supplementary Decree of November 14th 1935, by the content analysis tool, with the support of the Historical and bibliographical survey methods. These laws are racist and have segregated all Jews on German territory, including the region occupied after the start of World War II. Thus various discursive methods in Nazi Germany, had their genesis in the modernity, by adopting terms like “impure blood” and “racially inferior”, referring to Jews and others considered racially inferior. The nazism was also based on the experimental laboratory conducted in South-West Africa (present-day Namibia), which was a German colony from the late nineteenth century until the year 1915. The first concentration camps, the modernization of technology of studies on racial hierarchy and the law about marriage prohibition between natives and Germans, were examples of practices that were enhanced years later with the rise of Hitler. Just asin the African continent, Eastern Europe was witness of Nazi death camps and used for (pseudo) scientific studies with human guinea pigs. In order to achieve this goal, the methodology that supports the development of this dissertation was the content analysis, with the purpose of capturing the hidden discourses in the text of the discriminatory laws, with the support of the historical method to contextualize the rise ofmentioned legal diplomas. At the end of the paper, it is observed that there are indicators of colonial discourse in the analyzed legislations, demonstrating that modern power relations can be manipulated through the rule of law.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológicopt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectDiscurso colonialpt_BR
dc.subjectColonial discourseen
dc.titleO discurso colonial na legislação nazista: análise de conteúdo da lei de proteção ao sangue alemão e à honra alemã e do primeiro decreto suplementar de 14 de novembro de 1935pt_BR

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