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dc.contributor.advisorAdams, Telmo
dc.contributor.authorKijak, Jéssica Rodrigues Gomes
dc.description.abstractThe present research work investigates the educational practices of the non-formal education and the pedagogical management applied at the Center for the Promotion of Infancy and Youth. The methodology followed in this study was a qualitative approach inspired in research-action. Several instituonal documents were analyzed, with enphasys on those that govern the public agreement with the Porto Alegre City Hall regarding the social assistance and education. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were carried out with (1) two students, (2) two teachers, (3) one manager of the Center, and it was registered in a field diary the observational participations of the researcher during activities and interviews throughout the development of the research in the Center. By the critical analysis of the material collected, it was verified that the structure and organization of the pedagogical administration was aligned with educative practises applied in the Center. Another points analysed in this research included the aims and methodologies that guide the educative practises employed in the Center and how the documents and daily activities are related. From these analyses it was concluded that, in general, the pedagogical administration, educative practises, aims and methodologies are aligned to the characteristics of a non-formal education, when considered aspects of structure and organization. However, some tension could be identified in this relation, to name some: (1) necessary caution to not reproduce formal activities in this non-formal place; (2) the balance of actions regarding to the Christian precepts of the Center; (3) the stablished aims in projects developed in collaboration with the public government and the exigences of these collaborations versus the freedom of Instutional actions. As a result of this study, some directions were proposed to the Center, which including the elaboration of a Public Pedagogical Project of the Center for the Promotion of Infancy and Youth and the investiment in continous trainning of the professionals, which will ultimately lead to the improvement of the administrative actions, and of the educative practises of the Center. To this, it is necessary that the padagogical administration ensures that the main aim of the Center is aducation, managing and investing their resources that will permit the achievement of the educational objectives of the Institution.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão educacionalpt_BR
dc.subjectEducational administrationen
dc.titleGestão pedagógica e práticas educativas em espaços não formais de educação: um estudo no Centro de Promoção da Infância e da Juventudept_BR

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