Práticas de governança nos regimes próprios de previdência em municípios do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
This study aimed to determine the factors which explain the adherence to governance practices in social security of public employees (RPPS) of the cities of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. It was based on the assumption of the possibility of conflicts of interest when separating ownership and control between those who contribute and manage the resources. To mitigate the existence of these conflicts uses the governance to monitor the managers of these entities. Based on this assumption, we have reviewed empirical studies related to governance, Brazilian legislation and guidelines of public agencies, which made it possible to construct a set of 21 indicators of representative governance practices in RPPS. This group of indicators forms the governance index of these institutions, which was used to measure the level of the respective practices. The population of the present study is composed of 323 RPPS organizations. Of this total, 203 entities were excluded, ending with a sample of 120 RPPS organizations based in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The evidences analyzed were collected in websites and covering the year 2015. Statistical analyzes indicates a positive relationship between the size of the fund and the indicator of municipal corruption with the level of adherence to governance practices. Likewise, it has been shown that the legal nature is also a representative variable when confronted with governance indicators. Thus, the RPPS funds set up as municipal autarchy, with larger size and higher municipal corruption index, present a better level of adherence to governance practices. This study may contribute to all participants, managers and other stakeholders so that they can understand the importance of governance in the RPPS and, therefore, to disseminate the use of governance practices in a way that minimizes conflicts of interest.Nenhuma