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dc.contributor.advisorVaccaro, Guilherme Luís Roehe
dc.contributor.authorFontes, Leonardo Lopes
dc.description.abstractThis study was carried out with 71 employees from banking institutions in the southern region of the country, who work in activities outside the agencies. The main objective was to evaluate the degrees of Burnout Syndrome in banks in the Southern Region of Brazil from the application of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) scale. The research had quantitative approach, and nature of research by the types descriptive research and having as strategy the field research. The data collection was done through Survey and application of the MBI scale. As a result, the presence of moderate levels of burnout in the banking sector was identified, according to the criteria established by McLaurine (2008), since it would be indicative of high burnout rates of Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization and moderate levels of Personal Involvement in Work. In the theoretical reference, Emotional Exhaustion would be the first dimension to appear as indicative of the pathology, presenting a higher score when compared to the other dimensions. According with the Emotional Exhaustion averages, results were obtained that varied from 1.37 to 3.24. In the case of this study, it was verified that the Exhaustion presented an average result of 2.38, indicating that the feeling of exhaustion is frequent in the individuals who were part of this study. When analyzed the levels of cynicism, the levels found in this research range from 1 to 1.61, finding here average in 1.15, characterizing as moderate level of cynicism. The Efficacy dimension in the Work presents its means inverted by the positive aspect of the questions, with results between 4.13 and 5.24, with an average of 4.83, presenting moderate level of work efficiency. The data from this study pointed to a standard deviation considered high, which shows that there may be a very large variation between very low and high levels of burnout among the individuals surveyed. The mean of burnout was 1.62, characterizing as moderate the burnout index. Regarding gender, there was a significant correlation with the components of burnout, indicating that women have a perception of exhaustion, on average, slightly higher than men. In the same way, there is also a tendency for men to have higher average levels of Work Efficacy. Three types of intervention strategies for the prevention and treatment of burnout syndrome were proposed: individual strategies; group strategies; and organizational strategies. The study presented limitations, even before the scientific and methodological rigor used. There is a limitation in the research as a result of the choice of the researched population for accessibility or convenience, as well as the workers chosen in the financial institutions to form a smaller sample, since internal workers are a more representative group of employees. The reduced number of respondents from the sample also represented a limitation. For future work, it is suggested that the study be replicated with internal banking workers and with a larger number of respondents, allowing a more detailed analysis of each sample, as well as replication in other types of industry or regions of Brazil, making it possible to compare the same and between regions. It is also recommended to adopt other measures of burnout syndrome.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão de pessoaspt_BR
dc.subjectPeople managementen
dc.titleMaslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (MBI-GS): aplicação em trabalhadores externos de instituições bancáriaspt_BR

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