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dc.contributor.advisorGuimarães, Ana Maria de Mattos
dc.contributor.authorSchwabe, Cláudia Redecker
dc.description.abstractThis research, theoretically based upon the ergological conception of Schwartz (2010) and Bronckart-based sociodiscursive interactionism (ISD) (1999, 2006, 2008), focused on the analysis of the expression of the teaching work from excerpts of recordings of the 2014 meetings of a work group named comunidade de indagação (WELLS, 2007), whose aim was to constitute itself as a group of reflection that would problematize school practice and reflect on it. (GUIMARÃES; KERSCH, 2012). Starting from the ergology presupposition that in all work activity there is a debate of norms, always occurring renormalizations on the part of the worker, we take our look to atoriality, an aspect of the actor, who is "[...] the agent as the source of a process, endowing it with capabilities, motives and intentions". (BRONCKART, 2008, p. 121). This way, we aim at verifying, through analytical devices of SDI, linguistic-discursive marks that point to an atorial renormalization of the work of teaching. The excerpts analyzed allowed us to verify the atorial renormalization, expressed by the interlocutors by means of their choices concerning the types of discourse used, the construction and reconstruction of discourse objects, the enunciative instabilities, the use of modalizations and the voices that signal enunciative responsibility. The reconstruction of the objects of discourse showed that they are also the fruit of collective construction, which was observed through the redirection of the point of view of the teachers. The enunciative instabilities gave clues to the different degrees of subscription and enunciative unsubscription of the teachers in relation to their speech, indicating degrees of involvement of the interlocutors. Therefore, we identify different degrees of atoriality with alternations related to the commitment to their speech, which indicate movements that lead us to perceive an atoriality dinamic. Identifying the dimension of atoriality in work activity means looking at contours that are not well defined, since there is a thin line in the different postures of the worker once their renormalizations are the fruit of their own individual and collective construction. The fluctuation of atoriality reveals the choices of the subject, considering the values assumed and present in his renormalizations. Therefore, the dynamics of atoriality are also the dynamics of work.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectTrabalho docentept_BR
dc.subjectTeaching worken
dc.titleTrabalho docente e a renormalização atorialpt_BR

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