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dc.contributor.advisorGavronski, Iuri
dc.contributor.authorJúnior, Luciênio Rosa e Silva
dc.description.abstractThis study determines if there is a relation between institutional stimulus and the adoption of management policies and corporate environmental strategies by slaughterhouses which export beef. In this way, the objective comprehends three approaches: specifically, to identify the main institutional stimulus which motivates the adoption of management policies and corporate environmental strategies by these companies; to compare the information gathered at the companies studied to use it for the composition of a report on the adoption of management policies and corporate environmental strategies by the slaughterhouses which export beef; and to evaluate how the actions of the main stakeholders of these companies encourage them to adopt management policies and corporate environmental strategies. The methodological approach for data collection was documental research and open and semi-structured interviews, with the study of multiple cases at the three main Brazilian beef slaughterhouses and their main stakeholders (an environmental NGO, the government, trade associations etc.). The analysis of data resulted in contributions for the government as the development of public policies for the foreign trade of beef and the environment preservation; for the slaughterhouses which export beef, the adoption of management practices and environmental strategies which bring an economic and financial return; and, for the society, the social, environmental and economic return, besides contributing to the theory for the understanding of the unknown relation existent between institutional stimulus and management practices and corporate environmental strategies. Thus, the results show that there is a relation between institutional stimulus and management practices and corporate environmental strategies. The Term of Conduct Adjustment signed by the main Brazilian slaughterhouses and the Federal Public Ministry is considered a milestone: last year it was considered the main instrument of control, while today it is seen as the main instrument of promotion, especially when it comes to future opportunities for the Brazilian beef of international trade.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão ambientalpt_BR
dc.subjectEnvironmental managementen
dc.titlePráticas de gestão e estratégias ambientais empresariais sob a perspectiva da teoria institucional: o caso dos frigoríficos exportadores de carne bovinapt_BR

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