MaxMentor: Sistema de Tutoria Pessoal de Carreira
The subject career has undergone significant evolutions in the last decades, bringing a new perspective of the prominence of the individual on the organization. The career begins to be understood as a sequence consisting of all the professional experiences of the individual throughout his life. This dissertation proposes an ontological model and a mentoring system for career management aimed at learning meta-cognitive strategies of career management. The model formalizes the causal variables described by King for personal career management and is career oriented in Information Technology (IT). For this, an empirical analysis of the labor market in IT was necessary to elicit the career plan of this area, later formalized by an ontology specified in OWL. The pedagogical approach of the MaxMentor career guidance system, built to demonstrate the applicability of the model, uses the problem situation concept discussed by Perrenoud (2000). After presenting the main technological and architectural characteristics of the MaxMentor system, the dissertation concludes with the presentation of the preliminary results of the empirical evaluation and the usability of the system, which show good evidence of the usefulness of the system to assist professional life and critical thinking about how to manage their own.Nenhuma