Interpretando a dinâmica de um assentamento Jê Meridional na bacia hidrográfica do rio Forqueta/RS: estudo de caso do sítio RS-T-126
This dissertation aims to discuss the possibilities of interpretation of an archaeological site from the chemical analysis of the soil. From the bibliography presented, it is intend to analyze the dynamics of occupation of the Jê space, verifying from the chemical analysis of the soil, different uses of space within what we conceive as an archeological site. The chemical analysis of soil samples and ceramic artifacts were elaborate by scanning electron microscopy, executed by MEV EDS. This type of microscope propitiates the chemical characterization of the samples by X-ray fluorescence. The research is structure as a case study of soil and ceramic geochemistry, collected during interventions at the RS-T-126 site. This archeological place is located to the north of the Forqueta River Basin, marked by the occupation of the Southern Je groups, known for leaving in the landscape the physical records of their occupation, in the form of pit houses, landfills, mounds, etc. The soil tracing allowed the observation of a phenomenon named as anthropogenic soil, both for the samples collected inside the pit houses present at the RS-T-126 site, as well as for the samples collected on the surface of the site. The chemical mapping allows the archaeologist to visualize aspects related to various practices of the use of space, for example, to diagnose areas of food preparation, green waste disposal, discard of animal and bone waste, food cooking, etc.CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico