Mínimo existencial e tributação indireta: a preservação do mínimo existencial pelo estado por meio da tributação seletiva sobre o consumo
This paper pretends to demonstrate why tribute essential consumer goods is prejudicial to the existential minimum guarantee. Therefore, it will use empirical and theoretical researches. There are people that still live under conditions of poverty and we can notice that for the good development of human being it is necessary shall be given to individual minimum conditions of existence. The guarantee of minimum existential is a responsibility of the State, the entity that justify its own existence by protecting human being’s lives. With the guarantees that should be protected under existential minimum condition by the State, takes places the existential minimum on its negative side, on taxation it’s not charged over basic commodities; this harmonizes to the principle of the contributive capacity. In Brazil, the bigger method of tax revenue to public safes is the taxation over consume. The taxation over consume is regressive because its achieve everyone with the same tax rate, without distinction by contributive capacity. It makes, proportionally of someone’s earning, who receive bigger salaries pay more. By tax selectivity way, however, its allowed the essential commodities be immune to taxation or with the reduction of tax rate and, at the other hand, the superfluous taxed commodities get stronger taxation. Researches about poverty and social inequality in the country shows on which way is achieved the income of low rent population with indirect taxation and that one of the alternatives for reduction of these index is the modification of the way that taxation is done.Nenhuma