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dc.contributor.advisorKlaus, Viviane
dc.contributor.authorNardi, Liciê Helena Ribeiro
dc.description.abstractThis research addressed the topic of Affirmative Action Policy in the processes of in / exclusion of lower income students, based on the analysis of the institutional practices mobilized by the Multidisciplinary Team of the Pedagogical, Psychological and Social Selection and Monitoring Division (DSS), which Belongs to Pro-Rectory of Student Affairs (PRAE), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).Through this research it was possible to: a) discuss the processes of in / exclusion, especially with regard to lower income and inclusion as a state imperative; B) to report briefly how the process of democratization of Higher Education in Brazil occurred, seeking to identify relevant points of the process of implementation of affirmative actions; C) construct a brief history of the implementation process of Affirmative Actions in UFRGS and some changes that occurred during this course; D) understand the practices developed by the DSS from the set of policies that mobilize it, in the processes of in / exclusion of students with lower incomes; E) seek alternatives for its better functioning through the survey of issues and f) propose reflections regarding the practices put in place by this team in the institutional context. Semi-structured interviews were used as methodological procedures with the DSS servers and former PRAE managers. The categories of analysis were constructed from the recurrences of the excerpts analyzed. In the analyzes, it was possible to highlight the need for a more qualified and engaged management to seek to meet these new commitments assumed by the University, strengthening the important work carried out by the DSS multidisciplinary team. This dissertation presents clues that can guide the (re) construction of the sector from the following assumptions: 1) resumption of the history of the sector in the institutional context, reconstituted in the dissertation; 2) reorganization of the management of the sector from: a) the vision of the DSS as a space for study and preparation of joint work proposals; b) the preparation of a work schedule that combines moments of study and planning of the work of the team; C) discussion and organization of student follow-up work (admission, permanence and academic success), considering the responsibilities of each of the areas of professionals working in the sector; D) the need to advance the discussion with other sectors of UFRGS - in the case of follow-up actions, dialogue with COMGRAD's and the elaboration of joint actions will be essential; E) the evaluation of the type of follow-up to be carried out; F) the creation of mechanisms that allow the process evaluation of the work developed, as well as the systematization and permanent recording of the data collected.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEquipe multidisciplinarpt_BR
dc.subjectMultidisciplinary teamen
dc.titleInclusão dos estudantes com renda inferior na UFRGS: práticas mobilizadas por uma equipe multidisciplinarpt_BR

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