O centro histórico de São Leopoldo e a paisagem cultural: Reflexões sobre um conceito de preservação aplicado a uma cidade de porte médio
The cultural landscape and the urban planning of the mid-size cities are the two themes that interweave in this master thesis. When we study the São Leopoldo’s historic center, with the assist of the methodology proposed by the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute (IAPH), we intend to contribute with the urban planning instruments available to the society, in the gestion of the urban space, with the intentions to guarantee not just the preservation, but with the vitality of then. Currently, the cultural landscape is the object of the study of many researchers related to the cultural heritage, and the identification in the urban space has in the city of Sevilha a practical example of application of the concept. In Sevilha, the IAPH come up with a formulation of one guide of the landscape, divide in two volumes: identification and planning. This master thesis was divided in four chapters, In the first chapter we introduce the justifications that lead us to choose the city of São Leopoldo as the object of study. In the second chapter, we studied the formation of the concept of cultural landscape, and how the preservation’s institutes of Brazil articulate their operation. In the third chapter, we studied the IAPH’s workflow. In the fourth and last chapter we studied if to the case of São Leopoldo, a landscape’s guide is a proper toll, and what ways the model proposed by the IAPH could be adapted to the reality of a mid-size city. To do this, we establish a parallel in between the IAPH’s identification volume and the available bibliography of similar themes in São Leopoldo.Nenhuma