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dc.contributor.advisorFreitas, Ana Lúcia de
dc.contributor.authorCastro, Gilmara Rita Oliveira
dc.description.abstractThere are many challenges and problems that we must face at schools every day. Among them, the evaluation of school performance. In this sense, Prova Brasil is an important tool, which results integrate the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb) composition. The research's general objective was to understand the Prova Brasil implications in the daily life of schools in rural area in Viamão. The study of the theme, based on several authors, has broadened the understanding of the importance of the school's role in large-scale evaluations. Along the way, the initial visit to schools provided a vision into how complex it is to participate in standardized tests in rural zone schools. From the visit, two schools were selected and an online questionnaire was elaborated to analyze what the different segments of the school community say about their fifty year experience with Prova Brasil. This listening was important because it helped to understand the implications in the investigated schools, identifying some problems. Among them, the lack of knowledge of the results and the lack of discussion at school about the Prova Brasil. As a result of the research, it is proposed that the management of the school "talk about the Prova Brasil" from the formulation of an online questionnaire, where all segments of the community can access and respond without the need of identification, so to generate important data for discussion and decision-making with the school community. Although the results of the Prova Brasil are not the only reference to evaluate the quality of learning at school, the protagonism in the accomplishment of the exam and in the use of the results can contribute to the improvement of school's performance. It is believed that the online questionnaires used in this research can serve as reference for other elaborations at school, from the proposition of its managers.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectProva Brasilpt_BR
dc.subjectRural area of Viamãoen
dc.titleConversando sobre a Prova Brasil e suas implicações no dia a dia de escolas da zona rural do município de Viamão-RSpt_BR

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