Saberes construídos e mediados por educadores sociais: impactos na formação crítico-reflexiva de jovens
This research sought to understand how the construction of knowledge, proposed by social educators, is taught in the classes of the Young Apprentice Program of two Social Works of the Leonardo Murialdo Institute, one in Porto Alegre and the other in Caxias do Sul. Popular education, sought to understand how social educators teach their classes and the strategies they experience that corroborate to transform the learners of the Young Apprentice Program into critical and reflective subjects. In order to meet the research demands, the study was based on a qualitative research and heard through in-depth interviews and written pedagogical memory, four educators, two from the Murialdo Social Work of Porto Alegre and two from the Murialdo Social Work Of Caxias do Sul. In order to complement the collected data, four students of the Murialdo Social Work of Porto Alegre were heard, using pedagogical memory writing and dialogues in wheel. The main theoretical contributions, which gave basis to the study, were Freire, Brandão, Gohn, Tardif, Giroux, Arroyo, Nóvoa, Vasconcellos. To answer the objectives of the research, some questions - dimensions were necessary: Formation and conceptions of the social educator; Knowledge and pedagogical praxis of the social educator; Challenges encountered in class management; Educandos: construction of critical-reflexive subjects; Be a social educator in social works Murialdo. The study concluded that the knowledge that favors the construction of critical and reflexive subjects is not ready, nor is it given, needs to be constantly built in the educating / educating partnership, considering their personal histories and the context in which they are inserted.UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos