“O que um não sabia o outro sabia, e assim fomos juntando nossos conhecimentos”: o PDG como metodologia ativa no desenvolvimento dos letramentos e na legitimação de comunidades de prática
Producing texts at school is a challenging task, since it is necessary to lead students to think about writing in a meaningful way in the society in which they are part of, considering the multimodalities of the text genres as well as people´s engagement in different communities of practice. This challenge becomes even greater when it involves the use of technology. After all, it cannot be excluded from the classroom. The documentary script genre is a possibility to promote the production of texts allied to technology use. Thus, the work to be presented focused on to understand the repercussion of the adoption of a Didactic Project with text genres, as an active methodology in the teaching and learning process of the students, regarding the development of literacy and the construction of their identity, when this teaching device enables the legitimation of communities of practice in the classroom. Thereby, it also reinforces the importance of mother tongue teacher´s role as mediator of the development of literacy through interaction, including digital media, in a social perspective. As theoretical basis, the study presents the social conception of learning, the concept of communities of practice from Wenger (2001), the literacy studies according to Street (2008, 2012), Barton & Lee (2015), Kleiman (1995, 2007,2014), as well as the Didactic Project of text genres as a teaching device (Guimarães and Kersch, 2014,2015), that has Bronckart's Sociodiscursive Interactionism (2009) as its background. Through the analysis of the productions carried out throughout the project, it was possible to perceive students´evolution with regard to the genre and the different literacies. Such advances were not developed individually but collectively. Therefore, it was possible to evaluate that these students constituted communities of practice, understood here as for the construction of knowledge that was at stake.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior