Emancipação digital cidadã de jovens do campo num contexto híbrido, multimodal e ubíquo
The theme of the thesis is related to the digital emancipatory processes of rural youth in the context of a blended learning, multimodal and ubiquitous culture. The aim is to understand how the Basic Informatics curriculum component can contribute to the promotion of citizen digital emancipation of rural youth, as to their personal and professional development. The subjects of the research are the students of the History-ITERRA course of the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS, Campus Erechim. The research has an qualitative and quantitative approach. As a methodology for its development was used the cartographic method of research intervention proposed by Kastrup (2007), Passos, Kastrup and Escóssia (2009) and Passos, Kastrup and Tedesco (2014). As results obtained with this research are: the theoretical deepening on the reality of the students of the course of History-ITERRA of the UFFS; the development of the Culturas Híbridas course, from the gamification perspective, considering the blended learning, multimodal and ubiquitous culture; the proposed methodological design for the Culturas Híbridas course, which resulted in the development of Projetos de Aprendizagem Gamificados from the Games for Change perspective, making it possible to rethink the curricular component of Basic Informatics; the movement generated in the development of the PAG instigated the participants to identify issues within the GMF in relation to educational processes as well as to understand how technologies could contribute to this process. Thus, analog and hybrid games were developed that contributed to broaden the processes of citizen digital emancipation of the subjects of the field. In addition, the results point to the need to broaden the discussion about the curricular matrices, methodologies and practices developed in the UFFS courses.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior