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dc.contributor.advisorFritsch, Rosangela
dc.contributor.authorMarques, Albertina Gioconda de Moraes
dc.description.abstractThe thematic which this work explores is the impediment to the successive reinstatement of the mandate of school´s principals in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The educational state network in the year of 2015, had more than 2.500 educational establishments. Therefore, there is considerable impact on the election of principals and in the form of power rotation in this positions. Our goal is to understand how the pre decision-making movements were build concerning the change in the legislation of the democratic management in the year of 2012 related to the reinstatement of the principals position. The methodological and theoretical reference used is public agenda building which support this research. This study, in a qualitative manner, has count on data collected and complemented by interviews, which were submitted to documentary analysis. We analyze in a basis of contextualization every alteration made in the legislation since 1995 which refers the possibility of reinstatement in the principals post. We have identified as visible actors in the process of legislation alteration, the Assembleia Legislativa of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and the Education Secretary of State. As invisible actors, we had the Cpers Union and principals ´s group which were contrary about the alteration. The data show that the movements were built with little participation, mainly inside the Education State Secretary which articulated within the Assembleia Legislativa prior to the project approval. It is signalized that the schools told the union about this problem, however the union participation cannot be verified. The matter of rotation of power in the principals position denote itself as an engine of democracy experience possibly avoid the cronyism used in public schools, in addition, to aware school´s community and the Education Secretary of State in the commitment of building new leaderships and for seek a better quality for our education.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológicopt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão democráticapt_BR
dc.subjectDemocratic managementen
dc.titleA recondução de diretores na gestão democrática do Rio Grande do Sul: (des) caminhos na construção da agenda públicapt_BR

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