Histórias em quadrinhos e design estratégico: cenários para apropriação e produção de HQ nas mídias digitais
The purpose of this research is to understand how the production of comics (HQs) changes in the transition from print to digital and how it happens its appropriation by the readers and the production by the designers. In particular, it generated possible scenarios or futures using resources such as Strategic Design (DE), Meta Project, Project Networks and bibliographic and documentary data about HQ. In the twentieth century, comics were made only in print. In the digital age, there are new ways in which HR is reproduced and appropriated. There is the introduction of digital design and new forms of collaboration and dissemination via the internet. With the support of theorists like Negri, Morin, Deleuze and Guattari and others, a framework was created to interpret these changes and propose a fusion between analog and digital as a transitional scenario for the near future.Nenhuma