Diagnóstico da realidade dos estudantes como parâmetro da gestão educacional na Rede Municipal de Educação de Viamão
Considering the importance of understanding who the subjects of education are, this study is an attempt to understand the reality of the education network in the city of Viamão, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in performing the diagnosis of elementary school students’ profiles as a parameter of educational management. The aim of this research is to formulate a methodology for diagnosis of students' reality as a management parameter. As specific objectives, the study attempts to deepen the topic, aiming at increasing the knowledge about it and enabling a better connection between the different concepts of the ideal student; to understand the importance of both acknowledging the differences and formulating social anthropological surveys of the local reality. In order to do that, the research has been grounded on three pillars: the way the city conducts the process today, important actions PENSE 2012 (database) has taken, and the main trends pointed by the research, considering what the literature has recommended. The methodology of this investigative study comprehended a bibliographical research, a research at the Municipal Secretariat of Viamão (with interviews and document collection), and research in a public database (IBGE: PENSE, 2012). The study has led to two outcomes for the educational network: widening of the students’ records with the formulation of a parameter including variables that are more suitable to the diversity seen in the schools; and notes for the formulation of a social anthropological research in the Municipal Network.Nenhuma