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dc.contributor.advisorFranzato, Carlo
dc.contributor.authorMerch, Raul Eduardo da Rocha
dc.description.abstractThe organizational environment of Business to Business (B to B) consists of a multiplicity of companies and professionals. Its operability happens for relationships which are increasingly interdisciplinary, cross-functional and inter-organizational, forming a large network of business. In this corporative ecosystem, the designer assumes the role of interpreter actor, projecting scenarios, linking relationships and building processes and collective projects of strategies aimed at innovation. As there are few studies on the use of ecosystem networks of interpreters and co-creative collaborative processes that project innovations by design in this segment, the overall objective of this research is to identify whether the ecosystem network of interpreters of a company B to B, can promote, through co-creative collaboration, design strategies driven toward innovation. Therefore the choices of the theoretical foundation, as well as research-action, address the theme on networks, ecosystem, interpreters, co-creation, innovation, followed by a design practice. On the basis of this presumption, the aim is to respond to the objective of the research, using action-research that utilizes as a unit of analysis the Clippertec ecosystem, industry manufacturer of equipment for the Pet segment. The research methodology is structured by a cycle of action-research from the theoretical reflection, the understanding of networks, ecosystems, co-creative collaboration processes, innovation, identification of segments, companies and professionals, ecosystem network participants from Clippertec, constructed by its own model of networks of interpreters, which served to develop actions in design practice that occurred in the workshop. The discussion contemplated aspects related to construction and degrees of relationships of the interpreters network, contributions from co-creative collaborations, through the workshop and design actions for the development of design strategies driving innovation. The results point to the possibility of applying an ecosystem network model of interpreters which, through co-creative collaboration, promote design strategies driving innovation in the B to B segment.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectDesign estratégicopt_BR
dc.subjectStrategic designen
dc.titleEstratégias de cocriação e inovação dirigidas pelo design nas redes ecossistêmicas do Business to Business (B to B): caso Clippertecpt_BR

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