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dc.contributor.advisorMarchese, Cláudia Balhesteiro
dc.contributor.authorRamos, Amaranta Rangel
dc.description.abstractThe most effective treatment for esophageal cancer with better expectation of cure is the total or partial resection of the esophagus and may be preceded by chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy. Proper nutrition therapy, however, is extremely important for the maintenance and recovery of the nutritional status, favoring the effectiveness of treatments. The objective of this review was to ascertain evaluate the literature which the benefits associated with supplementation of nutritional therapy. Searches were made in Medline / PubMed and Bireme databases, selecting articles published between 2010 and 2015, using the descriptors nutritional therapy; Esophageal cancer and their respective MeSH. Original studies with pre nutritional intervention and tumor after resection were included. The search performed in the databases resulted in the identification of 1574 articles, of which 34 were selected to complete reading, among which four were included in systematic review covering analysis of 388 patients. All studies are double-blind randomized character with adult patients with histologically positive, being resectable tumor. Three of the studies found no statistically significant difference among the groups (enteral x parenteral nutrition; enteral and parenteral nutrition pre and post surgical x enteral nutrition pre and post surgical and parenteral pre surgical; Oxepa® pre and post surgical x Ensure pre and post surgical x postsurgical Osmolite®). One article noted a positive change in the subjective assessment of nutritional status in the intervention group, Supportan® with additional standard enteral nutrition (score of Kondrup reduced 0.52 ± 0.15 points P> 0.0165 adjusted and ASG improved in 28% of patients in the intervention group p > 0.0065). The scientific evidence is still inconclusive regarding the supplementation of nutrition, enteral when both parenteral, in patients with esophageal cancer. Therefore more research is required to evaluate the effect of supplementation, at all phases of treatment in patients with esophageal cancer.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectTerapia nutricionalpt_BR
dc.subjectNutritional therapyen
dc.titleTerapia nutricional e suplementação em pacientes com neoplasia esofágica: revisão da literaturapt_BR

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