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dc.contributor.advisorStrapasson, Márcia Rejane
dc.contributor.authorFranco, Cláudia Ribeiro da Cunha
dc.description.abstractIt is believed that this issue needs further studies, awareness raising and training of health professionals for the care and assistance the woman victim of sexual violence. Objective: to analyze the national scientific production published on sexual violence against women and gender. Method:an integrative review of the literature. We opted for the databases Latin American literature and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) during the period from 2010 to 2014 and considering only the national scientific production. A summary table as a tool for data collection and further analysis. Which included the following: item name, authors, place of origin of scientific production, study goals, year of publication. Results:it was found that the years 2012 and 2013 were the years with the largest number of studies on the subject, and the southeastern region of Brazil concentrates the majority of articles. The psychology journals are among the Esperanto publications that have published research more on the topic. Discussion: the form of assistance and profile of victims of sexual violence are those listed in articles subjects. Conclusions:it is suggested to understand and implement the concept of assistance where the State network and managers think a policy of assistance aimed at the problem that today the who highlights how an epidemic of health can be a assistance aimed at the problem that today the who highlights how an epidemic of health can be a strategy for the reduction of sexual violence against women.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectIdentidade de gêneropt_BR
dc.subjectGender identityen
dc.titleViolência sexual contra a mulher e gênero: revisão integrativa da literaturapt_BR

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