Da verdade dos espaços ao espaço da verdade. A genealogia dos espaços e seus modos de subjetivação em Michel Foucault
This research aims to investigate the notions of space in the works of Michel Foucault in relation to their modes of subjectivity, following the chronological itinerary of his works. Therefore, we searched for the ideas of truth, power and subject, a triad which transcends the question of space and is a premise to show how in the division of power in three - the sovereign power, the disciplinary power and the bio-power – there is a specific relationship to space and how both produce effects of truth and forms of subjectivity in their practices of power. We defend that the notion of space, at first, appears in a solid form in the context of the discipline; is deterritorialized in the bio-political space; and, in the last courses and writings of Foucault it develops itself as an ethical space of truth in the self-care practices.FAPERGS - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul