Terminologia científica e terminologia técnico/tecnológica: um estudo contrastivo
This thesis aims to investigate the formation processes of the terms, examining how the cognitive dimension of the different areas or subareas of knowledge are shown in lexical choices for the morphological formation of specialized units. Moreover, we assume that the terms of large specialized areas, scientific and technical/technological, have different characteristics, even though they share some, which justifies be examined by different ways. The research is based on the foundations brought by Sager (1993), Temmerman (2000) and Cabré and Estopà (2007), in relation to the different terminological processes that enable the creation of terms. We assumed that the cognitive dimension of the areas or subareas of specialty has significant influence on the morphological formation of terms and that due to this influence, the terms tend to reflect the knowledge of the sectors from which they originate. The corpus of the research consists of 240 terms that were selected from glossaries and specialized dictionaries and technical manuals of four different specialized sub-areas: Dermatology, Geology, Furniture industry and MRO sector. The analysis was started with the organization of the terms according to their morphological formation processes. After that, from conceptual maps developed for each specialty sector, we analyzed the role of cognitive dimension in the training process. With the analysis, it was possible to identify that the specific knowledge of each area is used during the formation of terms and, through morphological choices made, are shown in the specialty units. Moreover, it was possible to identify differences in the arrangement of the terms of different areas, which justifies that be divided into different categories, scientific and technical/technological, and, from that, may be examined in particular.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior