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dc.contributor.advisorChiwiacowsky, Leonardo Dagnino
dc.contributor.authorMagalhães, Elionai de Souza
dc.description.abstractThe responsibility of making decisions itself is not easy, and when it is related to the management of resources in the public sector is an even more difficult task, because it is linked to a high level of complexity. In this paper, we present a computational model based on multi-criteria decision analysis to prioritize the allocation of financial resources to the coastal communities of Coari region of Amazonas. With the emergence of Operational Research, development methods was possible that assist decision makers with regard to the evaluation and choice in environments that involve advanced. This is the case of public administration, whose decision on the allocation of resources involves the analysis of various criteria. The techniques of multi-criteria decision, combined with the new technologies of information and communication, enable new forms of knowledge and higher quality in different services. The use of these technologies in the development of the decision support tools for the allocation of resources is useful in view of automation in the process of analysis and speed in obtaining results, enabling agility in decision making. In this work, we developed a computational model based on the technique of Aid to Decision Multicriteria to assist in the allocation of public resources in riverine communities of Amazonas. The model uses the TOPSIS technique of multi-criteria analysis in order to obtain a ranking of the communities, so as to indicate that more priority to receive the allocation of public resources. The experiments were performed assuming a set of six criteria used in the ordination of eight regions of riverside communities. In the study, the list of priority indicated the region of the Lower Solimões communities as a priority for the allocation of public resources and the robustness of the obtained priority in the application made was assessed by performing a sensitivity analysis.en
dc.description.sponsorshipIFAM - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonaspt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectAlocação de recursospt_BR
dc.subjectResource allocationen
dc.titleUm modelo computacional baseado em análise de decisão multicritério para priorização na alocação de recursos: uma aplicação ao caso das comunidades ribeirinhas da cidade de Coari-AMpt_BR

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