dc.description.abstract | An extreme request that masonry can be submitted is the result of fires that stand out for great potential of degradation. The mortar coatings are typically applied to substrates, and compose the last layer of masonry, become more susceptible to elevated temperatures. The study of changes macro and microstructure of the mortars can help identify temperature levels to which the structure was subjected over a fire, enabling a better diagnosis of the accident and a better estimate of the level of damage of the concrete structure and other components of the building. From this context, this research aims to analyze the influence of high temperatures in a mortar coating. The experimental program has two steps: first using a mortar coating applied over subjected ceramic blocks in a muffle furnace at temperatures of 100, 300, 500, 700, and 900°C, and characterized with regard to its macrostructure (adhesion resistance, water absorption and speed wave propagation) and microstructure (scanning electron microscopy and mercury intrusion porosimetry). The second step consists in testing masonry walls built with the same ceramic block and the same mortar in an oven to simulate the action of fire, specified by NBR 10636 (ABNT, 1989). In temperatures to 300°C there was an improvement in the properties of mortars, already from 500°C temperature occurred the deterioration of the mortar and coating, coated drop from the temperature of 700°C. Although the procedures used for increasing the temperature in a muffle furnace and oven have separate heating cycles, no significant differences observed between the test results on coatings. | en |