O significado faz o igual ser diferente: o design estratégico e o estudo da cadeia de produção e transformação da celulose
Design may be defined as an act of projecting something (verb) or the project of something (noun) that does not exist in space or time with a new meaning or even a new meaning for something that already exists. An approach that gives evidence to the relationship established between the languages and its ways of constructing meaning. Thus, in a society guided by consumption, with high value on assets for their symbolic value, being it functional or pragmatic, Design can assume the main role as it dominates language operations responsible for the generation of meaning, giving sense to life in society. In this perspective, Strategic Design deepens and broadens the notion which comes from the etymological meaning of the word “Design” – giving sense to things – both in the final result and in the process. Other than generating systems-products-services which form reality representation and as such are endowed of sense, Strategic Design interprets reality by means of the process called Metaproject. Under that perspective, the contextual research would give a great contribution to Strategic Design if it were directed towards the comprehension of processes of senses generation and not simply directed to the effects as the main bibliographical references suggest. So the work proposes another approach to the contextual research starting from the study of the production chain and pulp transformation, a commodity. Part of the description of the narrative sequences involving the chain agents on a basis of a set of principles listed in the research. Afterwards reports the presence of many social fields inside the system, with the predominance of the economic field. Hence, it defines the pulp function-meaning and from it articulates many logical relationships visually represented in a semiotic square. From that transaction the semantic categories originated provide paradigmatic and syntagmatic analysis, in search of acting strategies and achieving symbolic capital on the part of the pulp manufacturer. After, on the basis of the study on the production chain and pulp transformation, it is given consideration to the contextual research aimed at language operations and its relation to the Metaproject.Nenhuma