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dc.contributor.advisorCosta, Cristiano André da
dc.contributor.authorDorneles, Sandro Oliveira
dc.description.abstractEasy access to mobile devices, combined with the evolution of communication technologies has increased the possibility of using these devices as learning tools. The need for new educational scenarios makes seek to try to understand the challenges and opportunities of integration of mobile devices in the process of teaching and learning. The new mobile devices have processing capacity, greater than we could imagine, throw in a cell, it has become something natural. Thus opens up new educational possibilities, allowing the expansion of the stimulus to the student in the pursuit of knowledge beyond the classroom, through an approach of interaction and relationship with the environment and theoretical content in a playful way. Several games have been developed in recent years to support teaching and learning in different areas. However, by using educational games it is important that the teacher can manage the content and interaction possibilities of the game, to ensure that the benefits provided justify its use. At the same time, that educational goals are met, they can also motivate students and promote learning, challenging and fun way. In this context, this work presents a proposed model for building serious games and ubiquitous, focusing on a learning methodology based on problems. The model allows the teacher to create games, and the adaptation of such games to real-world scenarios, using this context to enable, interaction with real learning situations. The main scientific contribution of labor is related to the expansion of teacher autonomy in creating a motivating learning environment that favors the relationship between theory and practice. Unlike most studies involving ubiquitous educational games, the approach proposed by UCHALLENGE, allows you to create games with purposes and general knowledge areas, which can be created by teachers and adapted to different learning scenarios through a problem-based learning. For model evaluation, a prototype has been developed which permits the creation of the game by the teacher as well as developing a mobile application that could be used by students. The experiments with teachers were satisfactory and point intended model use. Since the results obtained from students, indicate that the game generated by UCHALLENGE, provides motivation to be played and can thus cooperate with the learning.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectComputação ubíquapt_BR
dc.subjectUbiquitous computingen
dc.titleUchallenge: uma proposta de modelo para construção de jogos sérios ubíquos, com foco em aprendizagem baseada em problemaspt_BR

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