Fazendo revolução a vida inteira: memória e resistência entre os militantes da ação popular do Rio Grande do Sul
This dissertation has as objective to work the memory as one of the ways to resist to authoritarism and to opressions, looking through the Ação Popular (AP) political organization history and from the speeches of ex-militants of this organization that has actued in Rio Grande do Sul state. We started from the hipothesis that the history of AP and the ex-militants memories can contribute to a political culture formation that recognizes and considers the historical examples of fight and resistence that has occurred during the dictatorship period. The proposal of work the memory as a resistence starts from a logic that seeks to overcome without deny – the victim conditions atributed to those who has fought against the imposed project trough authoritary period, motivated by social justice and freedom ideals. More than dwell on the victims memories, this research wants to recover, to think and to develop memories of resistences from the narratives of the social and polictical actors. The dissertation results point to the potencial that carries the memories in sense of contribute to overcome the oblivion of recent history, as well as to construct a political culture based on the social memory that recognizes, valorizes, respects and understands the human rights like fundamentals and inalienables to democracy efectivation.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior